Fire Prevention Kicks Off At Lincoln-Titus
By MVFA Webmaster
September 28, 2017

On Thurs evening 9/28/17, Mohegan FD kicked off October's Fire Prevention Month by being invited to attend the Lincoln-Titus Elementary School's Cub Scout Pack 144 meeting to teach the cub scouts fire prevention. The Mohegan FD proudly sponsors this Cub Scout Pack. Units that participated were 2263, Utility 69 (with Fire Prevention Trailer), and ambulance 69B3. With 13 members attending, our members taught fire prevention lessons in our smoke trailer including topics like kitchen/household accident prevention, and how to escape a bedroom through a window when the door is hot and the room is filling with smoke (this year's NFPA fire prevention theme) . Our MVFA VAC members also gave tours of one of our ambulances and taught additional safety lessons. We also allowed the cub scouts to see some of the equipment we use everyday including our turnout gear, and a thermal imaging camera. At the end of the night, the children were thoroughly happy that we attended their meeting and we are very excited to teach fire prevention at numerous locations over the next few weeks.

Units: Car 2263, Utility 69, Fire Prevention Trailer, and 69B3