Members Review Chimney Fire Tactics
By MVFA Webmaster
November 23, 2016

On Wednesday night 11/23/16, the weekly district training was held at LMFD Station #3 (Furnace Woods), with the training topic being chimney fires and tactics. Members reviewed our equipment for chimney fires which included our interior equipment/bucket and roof equipment/chains that are kept on our apparatus. Members also reviewed roof and exterior operations including using aerial ladders and ground ladders to access the roof and chimney. Interior operations also reviewed including utilizing our CO meters and thermal imaging cameras to check for carbon monoxide and any possible fire extension. Members also discussed ventilation techniques to clear smoke from residences. With the winter season quickly approaching, though lately the weather not cold, it is extremely important for our members to review our equipment and prepare for chimney fires. To date this season, Mohegan FD has responded to 2 chimney fires already.