FAS-Team Does It Again
By MVFA Webmaster
November 20, 2016

At 11:18am on Sunday 11/20/16, once again Mohegan FD's FAS-Team headed to Putnam County for a structure fire. Our FAS-Team responded to assist the Town of Putnam Valley Fire Dept for a structure fire on Peekskill Hollow Rd. Mohegan FD Car 2265, 2266, DC40, Engine 256, and Utility 80 with a total FAS-Team crew of 8 members were on the assignment. All Mohegan FD units returned to service in our district after being cancelled enroute due to the fire being quickly knocked down by Putnam Valley Firefiggters. Since Engine 256 went into service on Sunday 11/6/16, the engine has seen a busy 2 weeks! Engine 256 has responded to 4 mutual aid FAS-Team calls (2 to Putnam Valley FD, 1 to Mahopac FD, and 1 to Peekskill FD), 1 mutual aid brush fire to Putnam Valley FD, 1 relocate/standby at Mahopac FD, 1 vehicle extrication, and 1 possible fire on its maiden voyage, where our members stretched a hoseline from Engine 256 just to name a few calls!

Units: Car 2265, 2266, DC40, Engine 256, and Utility 80