HAZMAT Operations Refresher Training
By Captain Chris Gravius
January 27, 2016

On Wed evening 1/27/16, a combined total of 30 Mohegan Firefighters (volunteer and career) trained at LMFD Station 3 (Furnace Woods Station) starting at 7pm as part of our annual mandatory in-service department training. Tonight's training was the NYS certified Hazardous Materials First Responder Operations Refresher Training. This training serves as a HAZMAT Operations level refresher course for our members, but also serves as an HAZMAT Awareness level course for all other members who have not taken the NYS Hazardous Materials Operations course. Tonight's training focused on understanding how to determine a hazardous material, including reading hazmat placards and researching the hazardous material by utilizing the 1st Responder Emergency Response Guidebook. Other topics taught tonight included how to safely manage a hazmat scene plus depending on the hazmat incident, how to determine a evacuation, and determine which resources are needed. This training included what our closest resources are including HAZMAT Teams from Westchester County and the VA Hospital in Montrose. This training was taught by career Lt Tommy Eade, who is a NYS Fire Instructor and this training is now part of our mandatory annual department training program for all of our members.