Keep Hydrants Clear of Snow
By MVFA Webmaster
February 13, 2024

At times, a fire department runs into a problem finding or accessing a fire hydrant. This is not because the fire hydrant has been moved, rather because it is hidden from view. One of the most prevalent problems occurs after a snowstorm, when either the amount of snow accumulation is great, or the snow has been plowed high against the fire hydrant. If this occurs, please take the time to clear the snow away from the fire hydrant so we can see the hydrant and to gain access to it. In the event of a fire, valuable time will be lost if the fire department has to clear away the snow. If a hydrant appears to be defective or leaking, notify the appropriate Town’s Water Department immediately. Of course we all know that no one should park a vehicle in the way of a fire hydrant. If a fire hydrant is not accessible for the fire department to use in the event of an emergency, additional injury, loss of property, or worse may occur.